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Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Pregnant - Finally...

Its a few days before Christmas and I see the very faint hint of a line on a HPT. Really? Its finally happened? It has been a bit of a journey to get here, a year of fertility treatment, including fertility drugs and needles. We were on our last cycle before a rethink and break and after a long cycle that looked like it was certain NOT to work - it did! Of course, the fertility clinic, my GP etc are all closed over the holidays, so a HPT will have to do at this stage :)

Christmas and New Years is over. I am excited that 2015 is going to be the year of adding to our growing family. At 7 weeks pregnant I go for an ultrasound at the fertility clinic and we are thrilled to see a tiny bean on the screen. I find ultrasounds terrifying which I know sounds strange to many people as they feel excited, but I have a history of receiving not good news in previous ultrasounds - miscarriage, high nuchal fluid in my 1st daughters pregnancy and then possible kidney issues in my sons pregnancy. However, there is a baby in the right spot and I start to feel excited about pregnancy with a few reservations of course due to my history.

I ring to make an appointment with my favourite Obstetrician. They give me an appointment when I am almost 12 weeks. I feel a bit apprehensive about the wait, but hey, I have 2 healthy children, why should I need to see him any earlier, theres a baby growing right now in my uterus!

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