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Tuesday, 30 June 2015

"If the sickness wasn't there" poem by Matthew Musgrove

This poem was written by Matthew Musgrove for his daughter Charlie Eden who died from Cystic Hygroma, Hydrops and Turners Syndrome. 

I met Matt and his wife Amy over Facebook after we were introduced by a mutual friend when they had received their babies prenatal diagnosis. At the time we were praying that their babies CH would not be as severe as Ava's was and that she would live and come home healthy. This wasn't to be, though she was a fighter and lived weeks longer than the doctor predicted. 

Charli Eden Musgrove 
Length 21cm
Weight 319grams
HC 15cm
Born still at 20+1, passed away in her 19th week. 

Cystic Hygroma is rare so I found it hard to believe that someone that knew about my story also knew of another family going through the same just weeks later. I am glad that I have been able to pray for them and their baby and know that Ava and Charli are playing in Heaven together healthy and grown. 

Thanks Matt for writing such a beautiful poem, your words say so much and I love how you have expressed yourself in this way. 

Rest in peace to another beautiful angel. 

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